Ritsu-Yang-Yin Scale
After studying some of the classical genres like naga-uta (used in Kabuki theater etc.) and songs like ha-uta (short song) and zokkyoku (popular song), I found a following scale could cover most of traditional practice of hoso-zao ("narrow-pole" shamisen) playing.
Below is a Scala print out with my notation system in E as the center tone.

0: 1/1 E unison, perfect prime
1: 27/26 F tridecimal comma
2: 9/8 F# major whole tone
3: 243/208 Gb
4: 32/27 G Pythagorean minor third
5: 81/64 G# Pythagorean major third
6: 2187/1664 Ab
7: 4/3 A perfect fourth
8: 18/13 Bb tridecimal augmented fourth
9: 3/2 B perfect fifth
10: 81/52 C
11: 27/16 C# Pythagorean major sixth
12: 729/416 Db
13: 16/9 D Pythagorean minor seventh
14: 243/128 D# Pythagorean major seventh
15: 2/1 E octave

Renjisi: Sound (QuickTime Movie) played by MIDI soft-synth

Renjisi: Sound (.mp3) played by me

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